Am I just another guy wanting to shoot his mouth off and give his opinions? Maybe, but I hope not and if I am, I can at least promise that my opinions will be educated and the information posted will be factual. I am a 34 year old Chicagoan who has an array of hobbies and interests. I have worked in 3 countries, traveled in 40 others and have a close family and a diverse group of friends from all over the country and world. How does that make me different from anyone else? I am not sure it does but I do have a unique perspective on the things I have experienced and want to share that with anyone willing to listen. I am an aspiring writer and restaurateur so you can expect to see short stories and restaurant reviews.
In addition, my site will feature interesting facts about a variety of topics ranging movies to politics, travel, dating and the environment. Lastly, I have one blog on Business Continuity Planning (my career) and will feature articles on topics like Pandemic Planning.
Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or want to provide me with any feedback.
Thanks for visiting.